Caracas, 05-12-2022.– On the occasion of the University Professor’s Day, the Communist Party of Venezuela presented this Monday at its press conference a balance of the struggles waged by the sector during 2022 in the face of the salary liquidation policy executed by the Government of Nicolás Maduro.
“We salute university professors on their day, who fulfill their work in very complex and difficult circumstances. A work that this year has been marked by the struggles carried out for their salary demands,” said Yul Jabour, member of the Political Bureau of the PCV Central Committee.

The leader recalled that the most recent attack on the income of the teachers and in general of the workers of the Public Administration, was the fragmentation of the payment of the Christmas bonus: “a policy detrimental to the workers and their purchasing power”, he affirmed.
“Only since November there has been a devaluation of the Bolivar of close to 40%. This makes it impossible for the workers of the Public Administration to acquire the necessary goods”, explained Jabour.
“This is part of a labor, wage and economic policy, in general, developed by the Government, which favors big capital, the owners of the means of production, the small and big bourgeoisie, he added.
“These negotiations are carried out without taking into account the workers’ wages or their rights enshrined in collective bargaining agreements.”
Jabour also referred to the resumption of the so-called Mexico dialogues and the license issued by the U.S. Government to authorize Chevron’s operations in Venezuela
Commercializing oil without obtaining royalties “is a step backwards in political history and places us in processes of the last century”; furthermore “it is detrimental to the public revenues”, emphasized the Political Bureau spokesman.
Workers imprisoned for denouncing corruption
We express our solidarity with the peasant leader Helwiomar Uzcátegui, arrested in the state of Barinas for denouncing irregularities in the National Land Institute (INTI) of the region.
“Uzcátegui was irresponsibly accused of instigation to hatred and simulation of a punishable act. We demand that his rights be respected; we demand his release and that the denunciations made be taken into account”, he said.
Jabour explained that it has become a common denominator that workers who denounce corruption in public and private companies “are persecuted by State security forces, in conspiracy with the employers”.
The spokesman recalled that the PCV is part of the campaign “Christmas without Imprisoned Workers” promoted by the Committee of Relatives and Friends of Imprisoned Workers.
“We have recently held mobilizations in front of the Ministry of Penitentiary Affairs to demand that the worker Johana González, who has had a release order for seven months, be released”, he detailed.
Unjustified dismissals at Industrias Diana
The PCV denounced the unjustified dismissal of 150 workers of Industrias Diana as part of a policy of re-privatization of the state-owned company. The cases have been registered in different plants and centers located in Caracas, San Cristobal, Maracay, Turen and Valencia.
” Companies from foreign capital have acquired shares of Industrias Diana and are executing policies against the rights of the workers”, added Jabour.
Justice for Yauri Grimau Lamberg
The Communist Party of Venezuela expressed its forceful rejection of the femicide of young Yauri Grimau Lamberg, daughter of internationalist Roso Grimau.
“We want to denounce not only the murder of this young woman but the actions of police agencies that, according to the denunciations made by neighbors and relatives, did not carry out the pertinent actions that could have prevented this crime,” Jabour declared.
“We demand the Attorney General’s Office to determine the corresponding responsibilities. The perpetrator of this crime has been identified by neighbors and we demand that the full weight of the law be applied.”
Solidarity with the Palestinian people
The Red Rooster Party reiterated its solidarity with solidarity with the Palestinian people in the face of the systematic policy of Zionist genocide.

“So far this year 122 Palestinians have been killed as part of this apartheid policy. The inefficiency of the so-called international community to enforce the right to life of this people has been exposed.”
Jabour also informed that the PCV is part of an international campaign to achieve the transfer to Venezuela of the internationalist and defender of the Palestinian cause Ilich Ramirez, kidnapped in French prisons.