(DCAR) is a network of community activists from working class neighborhoods in Dublin and beyond who work to build unity and solidarity.
We share the widespread shock at the horrific knife attack on innocent school children and their teachers outside Gaelscoil Colaiste Muire on Parnell Square. Our thoughts are with these young children, their families and teachers at this difficult time. In particular our thoughts are with the little girl who was most seriously injured, a little girl from a minority ethnic background whose family must be beside themselves with worry at this time. We salute the tremendous and courageous response from working class Dubliners, from both traditional Irish and migrant communities, who rushed to safeguard the children and other victims, some administering first aid and CPR until first responders arrived. We salute the selfless courage of the Brazilian Deliveroo rider who, at great risk to himself, tackled and disarmed the attacker. We salute the first responders and hospital staff, from all backgrounds, who saved so many lives today. This is the Dublin we are proud of, these are our communities. We are disgusted that the horrific events today were seized upon by well-known fascist and far-right opportunists who twisted the account of events to suit their cynical manipulative agenda, mobilising easily-led disenfranchised youths, drug dealers and criminal gangs who came to run amok in the city. In so doing the gangs mobilised by these fascists destroyed the crime scene, attacked emergency workers, attacked ethnic minority passers by and transport workers, burned cars, buses and a Luas and terrorised ordinary decent working people in their places of work or on their way home. The far right have nothing to offer ordinary working class people, only despair, hatred, mayhem and terror for people going about their everyday lives. Their response to a horrific attack is to unleash more horror and sow more division and fear. DCAR stands firmly with the real heroes of today’s events; the children and teachers who endured this attack, their families, the scores of people who rushed to their aid and the emergency workers, not the manipulators and opportunists who are working to their own agenda.