Year of resistance and steadfastness by the Palestinian people

For 76 years now, the zionist apartheid regime has carried out a systematic and relentless war against the Palestinian people. For these three quarters of a century, the US and other imperialist powers like Britain and the EU have used the zionist state as a proxy force in West Asia to intimidate and attack its neighbours and secure imperialist interests in the region.

Hundreds of thousands have been displaced and thousands of people murdered by occupation forces in this latest phase of conflict. In the past year of blood-letting by the zionists, over 42,000 people have been confirmed murdered (the real numbers are likely much higher), while tens of thousands still lie buried under the rubble of destroyed homes, schools and hospitals. 93,000 people have been seriously injured and over 60% of buildings in Gaza destroyed.

The occupation of the West Bank continues with daily rounds of killings, bombings and the arrests of thousands of men, women and children.

Zionist settlers continue to murder Palestinians and steal their land, their homes, and destroy Palestinian villages with impunity.

The zionists continue to occupy and colonise lands, towns and villages of neighbouring countries with no sanctions being imposed upon them by the international “community”.

The UN has passed numerous resolutions with regard to Palestine. But the western imperialist ruling elites have only paid lip service – as does the Irish government – to the ongoing crimes against the Palestinians, Lebanese, Yemeni, Syrians and other peoples of West Asia.

They have never moved beyond pious words, with no effective action, giving carte blanche for the zionist atrocities for decades.

For the last year, Axis of Resistance forces have engaged in serious, visible and sustained struggle, thereby forcing the hand of liberal imperialist elements to affect some criticism of the zionist regime.

The Irish state continues to collaborate with this regime by allowing weapons shipments to cross our airspace, providing the use of Shannon Airport for the US war machine, and through conspiring with the zionist government to block the implementation of the Occupied Territories Bill.

The Palestinian people and their resistance organisations have shown great courage and steadfastness in the face of a savage and genocidal onslaught by the zionist regime.

The zionists have failed to defeat the Palestinian people. They have failed to defeat the Lebanese resistance. 

US client regimes in the region are under huge pressure to break ranks with their imperial overseers.

One year on, Palestinians continue to resist, the Lebanese continue to resist, and the Houthis continue to resist.

It is time the Irish state and its political parties stand with the people of Ireland.

They must impose sanctions on the zionist regime. It’s time for this state to break with its total subservience to the imperialist European Union in regards this and many other issues.

We must assert an independent foreign policy, and enshrine neutrality in the Constitution.

We must take the side of all who strive for a better and more just world order. To do so is to stay true to the legacy of the Irish people and our long struggle for freedom and independence.

The call for an immediate ceasefire must be backed up with action and not uttering of more empty and ineffective words. Enact the Occupied Terrorities Bill. It’s what the Irish people demand.