

The Banking Inquiry: the CPI’s analysis vindicated

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 22 January 2016 The report of the Banking Inquiry, published today, vindicates the analysis of our party from the very beginning of the banking crisis and the bail-out.      It is clear from the report that the European Union was in complete control and absolutely in […]


Danish government and the EU defeated by “No” vote

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 3 December 2015 The Communist Party of Ireland congratulates the people of Denmark on their resounding victory in voting down the proposition from the Danish government on the repeal of Denmark’s opt-out on justice and home affairs. Despite numerous threats, blackmail and scaremongering from […]


Violent reaction to a violent system

14 November 2015 The general secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland, Eugene McCartan, condemned the violent attacks on people that took place in Paris last night, which from the latest reports seem to have left 160 people dead.      “These are shocking attacks, which cannot be countenanced by progres­sive people. They […]


An establishment figure speaks about inequality

22 September 2015 Last night’s television programme on the state-controlled RTE dealing with inequality in Ireland, presented by David McWilliams, was of interest by virtue of the fact that an establishment figure spoke about inequality.      Any regular reader of Socialist Voice, the monthly paper of the CPI, would have been well aware of […]


Political statement

25 July 2015 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland at its meeting in July discussed the political and economic situation in the context of events now unfolding within the European Union resulting from the imposition of the new memorandum on the Greek working class. The meeting […]


Statement on events in Greece

27 June 2015 Once again the true nature of the European Union is exposed. Behind the face of a “Europe of solidarity” there is nothing more than bullying, arm-twisting, and blackmail. The much-vaunted sharing of values is nothing but a cloak to disguise the power of the European and American […]