Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 15 April 2016 The actions of the Gardaí in Greystones, Co. Wicklow, that resulted in the arrest of three activists on 8 April and a further twelve activists on the 13th, with one being detained overnight, expose the continued attempts by the state to […]
Political statement
National Executive Committe, Communist Party of Ireland 6 April 2016 At its regular meeting in early April the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland evaluated the present political situation and the tasks facing both the communist and the wider working-class movement and progressive forces. The CPI welcomes the massive […]
International Women’s Day
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 8 March 2016 Today, 8 March, the Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with women throughout the world. We salute your courage and bravery in the face of the inhuman burdens placed upon working women. Women still bear an uneven burden and suffer […]
Vote for withdrawing from the European Union
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 1 March 2016 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with all progressive forces in Britain, and in particular with the Communist Party of Britain, in the forthcoming campaign for Britain to withdraw from the European Union. In particular we call on working […]
The “Democracy in Europe Movement, 2015”: Old wine in new bottles
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland, 12 February 2016 As working people throughout the European Union are beginning to question its role and even its very nature, and whose interests it serves, another new grouping emerges to sow confusion and throw sand in their eyes. The “Democracy in Europe Movement, […]
What the banking inquiry doesn’t want to highlight in its report
Statement by Dublin District, Communist Party of Ireland, 7 February 2016 The Report of the Joint Committee of Inquiry into the Banking Crisis, recently published, says that “no one single event or decision led to the failure of the banks in the lead in period to the Crisis, but rather […]
The Banking Inquiry: the CPI’s analysis vindicated
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 22 January 2016 The report of the Banking Inquiry, published today, vindicates the analysis of our party from the very beginning of the banking crisis and the bail-out. It is clear from the report that the European Union was in complete control and absolutely in […]
Danish government and the EU defeated by “No” vote
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 3 December 2015 The Communist Party of Ireland congratulates the people of Denmark on their resounding victory in voting down the proposition from the Danish government on the repeal of Denmark’s opt-out on justice and home affairs. Despite numerous threats, blackmail and scaremongering from […]
Violent reaction to a violent system
14 November 2015 The general secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland, Eugene McCartan, condemned the violent attacks on people that took place in Paris last night, which from the latest reports seem to have left 160 people dead. “These are shocking attacks, which cannot be countenanced by progressive people. They […]
An establishment figure speaks about inequality
22 September 2015 Last night’s television programme on the state-controlled RTE dealing with inequality in Ireland, presented by David McWilliams, was of interest by virtue of the fact that an establishment figure spoke about inequality. Any regular reader of Socialist Voice, the monthly paper of the CPI, would have been well aware of […]