Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland17 May 2012 How can anyone take seriously this government’s campaign and what it says about the Permanent Austerity Treaty? The minister for finance, Noonan, dismisses the impact of what is happening in Greece and the deepening crisis that the people of that beleaguered country […]
Waiting for orders from Berlin
10 May 2012 The suspension of the German government’s ratification of the permanent austerity treaty and the ESM treaty must send a strong warning signal to the Irish people that these two treaties pose a serious threat to their livelihood and to what little remains of their democracy and sovereignty. There […]
The peoples of the EU are demanding change
8 May 2012 The election results from France and Greece clearly indicate that the peoples throughout the European Union are demanding change, demanding a new direction from their governments. Endless open-ended austerity has been rejected. The euphoria surrounding the election of Hollande in France is misplaced and will be short-lived. While […]
Solidarity with the Syrian people’s right to peace, justice, and social progress
31 March 2012 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the imperialist intervention in Syria, disguised as humanitarian concern, which threatens the country with a disastrous civil war, and threatens the peace of the entire region. The imperialist powers, in alliance with the king of Saudi Arabia, the emirs of the Gulf […]
Collective resistance is the only way forward in 2012
16 January 2012 As we enter 2012 its is clear that this will be a year of further austerity measures, which will be imposed upon the people of Ireland north and south. Working people will experience deeper cuts in government spending. Three will be more job losses throughout the economy, on […]
New Year message
1 January 2012 Comrades and fellow-citizens, As we begin a new year we send greetings and extend our solidarity to the working men and women and the oppressed mass of humanity around the world struggling against imperialism and its allies, both secular and religious. We also extend our solidarity to those […]
Germany in the driving seat
9 December 2011 The agreement reached at the EU summit meeting is a clear victory for Germany. The decision to hand over more powers in relation to budgetary priorities and on greater supervision will further undermine the sovereignty of this state and the ability of the Irish people to effect […]
Who runs Ireland?
17 November 2011 The revelation that documents relating to the forthcoming budget were found today (17 November) in the German Bundestag, with German politicians poring over their contents, while neither Dáil Éireann nor, most importantly, the Irish people have seen or read what is in store for them, is almost […]
On the death in action of Alfonso Cano
Sobre la muerte en acción de Alfonso Cano
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland Declaración del Partido Comunista de Irlanda The death in action of Alfonso Cano is a severe blow to the aspirations of the Colombian people for social justice and peaceful development, which have long been frustrated by the Colombian state and its backer, US imperialism. For […]
Political statement
12 November 2011 At an extended meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, communists from around the country gathered to discuss the deepening crisis of the system and its impact on the people, north and south. The meeting reaffirmed the party’s view that the present crisis […]