

Anti-people and anti-republican attacks

17 March 2009 The recent armed attacks by republican paramilitary groupings that resulted in the killing of two British soldiers and one member of the PSNI and injury to a number of workers doing their job need to be condemned in the strongest possible terms. This is a retreat into […]


Radical or redundant? The choice is ours

17 March 2009 At its recent meeting the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the deepening economic crisis and the response needed from the labour movement.      The growing economic crisis now being experienced in the Republic is both a crisis of the Irish banking system and a […]


Bailing out the rich

17 January 2009 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, at its first meeting of the new year, called on the labour movement to resist any and all attempts to place the burden of the growing economic crisis on the backs of workers, small businesses, family farmers, […]


Anti-imperialist salutations!

30 December 2008 The Communist Party of Ireland sends New Year greetings to fraternal communist and workers’ parties. To the people of Cuba, celebrating the fiftieth anniversary of your Revolution, we express our solidarity with your struggle to break the illegal US imperialist blockade. We are certain that all peace-loving […]


The political situation today

15 November 2008 The meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland that took place on 15 November condemned the budget introduced by the Fianna Fáil-dominated Government. It is clear that the Government is attempting to make working people, the poor, the sick and pensioners pay […]


Communist Party demands the sacking of bank CEOs

1 October 2008 It is now time for a state bank to be established.      The state should have 50 per cent of places on the board of all the banks and financial institutions that may avail of the massive public bail-out.      All bank CEOs should be removed from office, without severance pay.      While […]


Corporate welfare on a vast scale

8 September 2008 For decades our politicians and economic gurus of all shapes and sizes have been extolling the virtues of the “free market” and arguing that the state should stay out of the market. “There is no alternative” was the unchallengeable dogma of these forces.      Now we have those same […]