Solidarity with Revolutionary Socialist Cuba

The Communist Party of Ireland stands with the Communist Party, the government and the people of Cuba as they continue to endure the devastating consequences of the ongoing illegal US blockade.

Due to the current difficulty in sourcing energy, the Cuban government has been forced to temporarily shut down much of its industry and its services to its people.

Let us be clear, it is not Cuba’s socialist economy that is the cause of the power outage and energy crisis. The power disruption is the inevitable result of successive US governments’ imperialist policy to blockade Cuba, in an attempt to destroy its socialist economy. The revolutionary and resilient Cuban people are being punished by US imperialism because they dared to choose their own political and economic path free from all outside interference. In the immortal words of Charles Stewart Parnell, “No man has the right to fix the boundary to the march of a nation.”

The Communist Party of Ireland calls on all those who support Cuban economic and political sovereignty to demand that the Irish government urge the Biden admiration, with whom they claim to have very good relations, to immediately lift the embargo on Cuba.

To those on the left who waver in their support for Cuba because its revolution and efforts to build socialism are not theoretically “pure” enough, we ask WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON?

Regarding Cuban solidarity, there is no neutrality – you either support the right of the Cuban people to freely chart their own destiny, OR you support the “right” of the US to determine the future of all other peoples and states around the world.

Cuba is a litmus test for the BRICS+. If you genuinely seek a multipolar world, in which all states, both large and small, are equal, you will immediately supply Cuba with the energy it needs in this emergency. Failure to do so will expose BRICS as a paper tiger, unwilling or unable to challenge US hegemony.

Cuba has been an inspiration to oppressed people everywhere. In the true spirit of internationalism, its medical teams have assisted the medical services in scores of countries. Its military defeated the forces of Apartheid South Africa in Angola, securing its independence and hastening the collapse of apartheid.

The time has come for all progressive forces and states to support Cuba and break the illegal US blockade.

Long live the Cuban Revolution!

Long live Socialist Cuba!