Author: Ciara Melinn


Recent Election in the Six Counties

The context within which any electoral or social struggles takes place is critical to an understanding of how the working class understands how or where change can be secured. The ongoing struggle between Irish democratic forces and forces wedded to imperialism is the basic context in which the elections must […]


Results of Local & EU Elections of June 7th

The 7th of June Local and EU elections showed the continuing strength and stability of bourgeois ideology in Irish society. Despite facing several related crises such as housing & homelessness, a deteriorating health service, increasing levels of poverty, right-wing attacks on migrants, as well as opposition to the government’s policy […]


EU & Local Government Elections on June 7th

The EU and Local Government elections take place against the ongoing crisis of capitalism and the increasing preparations by NATO to unleash a direct war against Russia and the People’s Republic of China. As part of these war preparations, the Irish establishment – both political and media – are attempting […]


50th Anniversary of the Dublin-Monaghan Bombings

Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann / the Communist Party of Ireland once again expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings on this the 50th anniversary; bombings that murdered 33 and injured 300 of our fellow citizens, leaving many families and individuals scarred for life both […]


Victory for the Trinity College Students

Students of Trinity College ended their encampment on the college grounds today, the mass, radical, direct action in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. This encampment, which started last Friday, had clear demands for the College to take institutional responsibility, divest from Israeli companies, end academic ties with Israeli institutions, and […]


May Day 2024 Statement

The Communist Party of Ireland sends May Day greetings to the Irish working class, to all anti-imperialist and progressive organisations, to the international Communist movement, to all those struggling against imperialism, colonialism, and native capitalism, and to those actively struggling to build socialism. In particular, we send greetings to the […]


The Axis of Resistance – Palestine & Lebanon

When Hamas and other resistance fighters launched the Al-Aqsa Flood operation on October 7th, one of its objectives was targeted at another ally of imperialism in the region: Saudi Arabia. The Saudis were on the verge of diplomatically recognising the existence of Israel as a state, following on from the […]