Author: cpi_admin


Political statement

National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 29 May 2017  1. The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, meeting on the last weekend of May, discussed the political and economic situation facing workers and working people across the country.      2. It is the assessment of the party that public-sector […]


The killing of Lyra McKee

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 20 April 2019 The Communist Party of Ireland strongly condemns the killing of Lyra McKee, a young journalist working and living in Derry, on Thursday 18 April.       Once again a family has lost a loved one in a needless and senseless act committed by an […]


Political statement

National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 16 March 2019 At its regular meeting on 16 March 2019 the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the current situation in relation to the continuing debate about Brexit and also the decision of the Public Prosecution Service in regard […]


CPI condemns EU military adventures in Africa

13 February 2013 Eugene McCartan, general secretary of the CPI, condemned the joint military agreement between the minister for defence, Alan Shatter, and the British minister for international security strategy, Andrew Murrison, to send Irish soldiers on a “joint training mission” to Mali as part of the European Union’s military […]


Working people should not be fooled

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland  9 February 2013 The Communist Party of Ireland states that working people should not be fooled by the bluff and spin being carried out by governments and EU spin-doctors.       This is not a deal that will change anything in reality for the lives of […]


Solidarity with our nurses!

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 9 February 2019 Thousands of nurses and supporters marched through Dublin today, bringing the city to a standstill in a massive show of strength and solidarity.      Nurses travelled to Dublin from all over the country in a militant, united display for the continuing strikes for […]


Sham EU parliament backs coup in Venezuela

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 31 January 2019 The sham veneer of democracy that is the “European Parliament” adopted a resolution today recognising the opposition leader Juan Guaidó as the “interim president” of Venezuela. It also called on member-states to recognise the coup government, just as it did with […]


Political statement

National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 10 December 2018 At its regular meeting, the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the current political situation, both national and international.       The crisis and the contradictions within the global system of monopoly capitalism—imperialism—continue to deepen with the growing tensions and […]