Local Dublin activists took part in a protest at Dublin Airport on Sunday evening last in support of the UniteforPalestine Group. The protest was to highlight the allowing of direct flights from Dublin to the Apartheid state of Israel and how the Dublin Airport Authority are facilitating the forcible strip […]
Unblock Cuba
On Wednesday evening last 26th July, The Communist party of Ireland supported by Cuba Solidarity Forum Ireland (CSFI) Political Activists and supporters of Cuba demonstrated at Dublin’s iconic Ha’penny Bridge to highlight the illegal blockade by the US Government and its lackeys of Cuba. For over 60 years Cuba has […]
Cuban Solidarity Rally- 26th July
5.30 PM Ha’Penny Bridge Banner Drop & 6.30 PM Connolly Book -Fundraiser Social with Drinks and Music.
Venezuela- Solidarity with PCV-
The Communist Party of Ireland extends its solidarity to our fraternal comrades in the PartidoComunista de Venezuela and condemns the actions of the PSUV government. The PCV – the oldestpolitical party in Venezuela – continues to stand with the people of Venezuela against imperialistinterference, but also against those who do […]
International- Communist Party Of Ireland condems the Death Threats of Brothers- Aleksander Kononovich and Mikhail Kononovich In Ukraine
The Communist Party of Ireland joins communist parties and other leftist and progressive forces around the world in condemning the death threats, persecution and other forms of ongoing intimidation against communist youth leaders Aleksander Kononovich and his brother Mikhail Kononovich who are under house arrest in Ukraine. Following the onset […]
Supporting Fórsa workers in Cork City library who protested City council’s inaction against the far right regularly harassing workers over LGBT books in the library. Great turnout to show the anti working class nature of the far right and where people stand.
Solidarity With the People of Palestine
On Tuesday evening last Local Activists in the Dublin Branch of The Communist Party Of Ireland along with the Organisers from Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign and many other supporters from the general public took part in protest to highlight the ongoing slaughter of innocent Palestinians in city of Jenin. Nearly […]
“International Security Consultative Forum” a sham. A pretence oflistening to the people! Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland
MONDAY 26th JUNE 2023: The Government’s “Consultative Forum” rolls into Dublin today afterits Cork and Galway sessions, meandering through the thoughts of aging generals,representatives of numerous think tanks financed by various foreign military intelligenceagencies, and recipients of imperial honours. The aim of the forum is to continue the process of […]
Neutrality – Who cares Public Meeting Saturday Past.
In what was a packed public meeting on Saturday last in the Morrison Hotel. Dublin. There were many interesting viewpoints from the speakers and an interesting question and answer session afterwards.
Alternative Pride Day.
LGBTQ activists from the Communist Party of Ireland and supporters took part in the Alternative Pride event which took place on The Rosie Hackett Bridge-Dublin on Saturday last 24th June