Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 1 November 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity and its admiration for the magnificent turn-out out around the country today [1 November]. The people are speaking as one in their demand for the scrapping of the proposed water charges. Working people are […]
National day of action against water charges
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 31 October 2014 On the eve of the national day of action against water charges the Communist Party of Ireland calls on working people around the country to come out and support the actions called by the Right2Water Campaign under trade union leadership and […]
Need to build the widest possible opposition to water charges
13 October 2014 Speaking at a meeting of CPI activists after the massive Right2Water street protest on Saturday 11 October, under trade union leadership, against the imposition of water charges, Eoin McDonnell, Dublin District chairperson, CPI, called on more trade unions to join the Right2Water coalition to ensure that the […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 26 August 2014 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with workers now engaged in industrial struggles to defend their livelihood. Iarnród Éireann workers are struggling to prevent a cut in wages arising out of Government policy, which is […]
Arrest of peace activist a disgrace and an affront to justice
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 2 August 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland strongly condemns the imprisonment today of Niall Farrell to serve a two-week sentence in Limerick Prison for a peaceful protest against the continued use of Shannon Airport by the US war machine. Niall Farrell was standing up […]
The First World War—a century of slaughter
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 31 July 2014 The 31st of July is the centenary of the outbreak of the First World War, which resulted in the slaughter of more than nine million people, with millions more wounded and left physically and emotionally traumatised. It was the first “industrial” […]
Rearranging the chairs on the Labour ship Titanic
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland – 11 July 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland, commenting on the Government reshuffle, said that it was more akin to a rearranging of the chairs for a better view as the Labour Party’s ship sinks beneath the waves. The Labour Party will pay […]
Solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 28 May 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in its struggle against the imperialist coup d’état and in defence of the working class. In the twenty years since the defeat of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 12 February 2014 At its first meeting of 2014 the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland analysed the economic and political situation in the country and its effect on the people, north and south. The Irish people, north and south, will […]
Demand the release of 79-year-old anti-war activist!
15 January 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the arrest of the Galway peace activist Margaretta D’Arcy, who was arrested today and brought to Limerick Prison to serve a three-month sentence. Ms D’Arcy suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is also being treated for cancer. She refused to sign an undertaking […]