Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 28 May 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with the Communist Party of Ukraine in its struggle against the imperialist coup d’état and in defence of the working class. In the twenty years since the defeat of the Soviet Union, the Ukrainian […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 12 February 2014 At its first meeting of 2014 the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland analysed the economic and political situation in the country and its effect on the people, north and south. The Irish people, north and south, will […]
Demand the release of 79-year-old anti-war activist!
15 January 2014 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the arrest of the Galway peace activist Margaretta D’Arcy, who was arrested today and brought to Limerick Prison to serve a three-month sentence. Ms D’Arcy suffers from Parkinson’s disease and is also being treated for cancer. She refused to sign an undertaking […]
“Regaining our sovereignty”: A false trail by a sham government
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 15 December 2013 Today the Irish establishment loudly proclaims that this state, and by extension the Irish people, has regained its sovereignty. This is as far from the truth as one can get. The Irish establishment has long since abandoned the little sovereignty […]
The emperor has no clothes
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 14 November 2013 The Communist Party of Ireland today warned Irish workers not to fall for the latest ruse by the bankrupt political establishment with its announcement that this failed state will leave the “bail-out programme”—which is in fact a restructuring programme—by 15 December […]
Political statement
20 October 2013 Once again the people in the Republic have been forced to endure an “austerity” budget as the Irish capitalist class, in alliance with the EU, ECB, and IMF, continue to make working people pay for the odious debt, with cuts in social welfare, attacks on the living […]
40th anniversary of the fascist coup in Chile—Made in the USA
11 September 2013 Today is the fortieth anniversary of the fascist coup in Chile on 11 September 1973, when the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown in a coup that was planned, organised and directed from Washington. The fascist coup resulted in more than 3,000 dead, 30,000 tortured, tens […]
Joint statement by communist and workers’ parties on the imperialist military attack on Syria
28 August 2013 We, the communist and workers’ parties, express our solidarity with the Syrian people and denounce the military attack against Syria that is being prepared by the imperialists of the USA, NATO and the EU together with their allies in order to promote their interests in the region. We […]
Political statement
24 August 2013 At its meeting on Saturday 24 August the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland evaluated the continuing economic crisis and its effect on working people, north and south. Despite much talk by the Irish government and the establishment media about “recovery,” projecting rising property prices […]
A club of the rich to protect the interests of the rich
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 15 June 2013 The gathering of the G8 leaders from the dominant centres of monopoly capitalism, like previous such gatherings, will look for solutions to the crisis of the system at the expense of the people. They have nothing to offer working people but […]