

The emperor has no clothes

Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 14 November 2013 The Communist Party of Ireland today warned Irish workers not to fall for the latest ruse by the bankrupt political establishment with its announcement that this failed state will leave the “bail-out programme”—which is in fact a restructuring programme—by 15 December […]


Political statement

20 October 2013 Once again the people in the Republic have been forced to endure an “austerity” budget as the Irish capitalist class, in alliance with the EU, ECB, and IMF, continue to make working people pay for the odious debt, with cuts in social welfare, attacks on the living […]


Political statement

24 August 2013 At its meeting on Saturday 24 August the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland evaluated the continuing economic crisis and its effect on working people, north and south.      Despite much talk by the Irish government and the establishment media about “recovery,” projecting rising property prices […]


The Labour Party covers itself in shame

29 May 2013 Once again the Labour Party covers itself in shame, said the general secretary of the Commun​ist Party of Ireland, Eugene McCartan, respond​ing to Brendan Howlin’s pushing through of the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill (2013) to give him the power to cut workers’ wages, […]


Statement on the crisis in Syria

National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 19 May 2013 The imperialist powers Britain, France and the United States regard themselves as the rightful rulers of the Middle East. With the aim of maintaining their hegemony they have always allied themselves with the most backward and obscurantist forces in the area. […]


Political statement

National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 18 May 2013 At its regular meeting the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland evaluated the present political and economic situation in the country, north and south. What is most clear is that the crisis of the system is deepening: the […]