14 May 2011 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the preparations being made to welcome the representative of the British monarchy to Ireland. The purpose of this visit—and it has been said explicitly—is to write “finish” to the centuries-long struggle of the Irish people for national sovereignty and democracy. It is […]
The case for repudiation becomes urgent
8 May 2011 The stark scenario outlined by Prof. Morgan Kelly is a clear warning that this debt cannot be paid and must not be paid. Yet we still witness a few economists lumbering along under the illusion that it can and must be paid, a circle now confined to […]
An absolute betrayal of the aspirations and the sacrifice of 1916
24 April 2011 The statement by the former Minister for Finance that the European Central Bank forced this state down the road to what is now the almost complete servitude of the Irish people to the interests of German and French banks marks a new low in the abysmal failure […]
A bankrupt system politically and economically
20 April 2011 Once again Colm McCarthy has delivered what the Irish establishment and their EU and IMF masters desired. The proposal to sell off large sections of valuable state companies and assets is yet another example of how bankrupt the political and economic establishment has become and how their […]
Political statement
11 April 2011 At its regular meeting the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland assessed the political situation in the country following the general election and the election of a new Government in the Republic and the forthcoming elections to the Northern Ireland Assembly. In addition it […]
The EU determines that the Irish people must pay the debt
31 March 2011 Anyone still blinded by euro-spin, or still suffering under the delusion that the European Union is some sort of benign force in the affairs of this state, need only look at the imposition of even greater debt upon the Irish people in order to keep bankrupt Irish […]
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland on Libya
19 March 2011 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the savage military onslaught now being unleashed by the United States and its EU and NATO allies against Libya. Events now unfolding in and around Libya have more to do with western governments attempting to reassert control over the region than with […]
Communist Party of Egypt announces its resumption of public existence
14 March 2011 The Communist Party of Egypt held a comprehensive meeting that included all its different entities and sub-categories. The meeting resulted in a unanimous decision to officially announce the party’s existence and activities, considering the new and healthy political and social environment that has resulted from the 25 […]
Press statement
4 March 2011 At a press conference to launch a pamphlet calling for repudiation of the debt, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland, Eugene McCartan, stated that people must be allowed to have a vote on this central question. It is not that we can’t pay but that […]
Anti-communism step-by-step
Statement by the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia The present Czech right-wing government coalition is continuously increasing the pressure on the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia. Demands have been heard all around—from individual senators, members of parliament, and members of the government—to suspend the activities of the party […]