14 March 2011 The Communist Party of Egypt held a comprehensive meeting that included all its different entities and sub-categories. The meeting resulted in a unanimous decision to officially announce the party’s existence and activities, considering the new and healthy political and social environment that has resulted from the 25 […]
Press statement
4 March 2011 At a press conference to launch a pamphlet calling for repudiation of the debt, the general secretary of the Communist Party of Ireland, Eugene McCartan, stated that people must be allowed to have a vote on this central question. It is not that we can’t pay but that […]
Anti-communism step-by-step
Statement by the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia The present Czech right-wing government coalition is continuously increasing the pressure on the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia. Demands have been heard all around—from individual senators, members of parliament, and members of the government—to suspend the activities of the party […]
Political statement
5 February 2011 At its regular meeting in early February the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland discussed the deteriorating economic crisis, north and south, while people continue to find the ways and means to resist the onslaught of the state and employers in relation to attacks […]
Beware of the risen people!
1 February 2011 For decades the peoples of Tunisia, Egypt and the whole of North Africa and the Arab world have borne the brunt of violence and brutal repression and dictatorships. These dictatorships have been backed and sustained by the United States and the European Union. Workers’ organisations, from their trade […]
He who pays the piper calls the tune
24 January 2011 The intervention by the EU Commission, in the person of the chief spokesperson for Ollie Rehn, calling for the passing of the Finance Bill is another clear example (if one were needed) of who is calling the shots. His intervention was timed to influence the outcome of the […]
Twenty years after the Gulf War
The importance of the struggle for peace, against imperialist exploitation and oppression Statement by thirty-two communist and workers’ partiesJanuary 2011 Twenty years have elapsed since the beginning of the Gulf War. On 17 January 1991 the armed forces of the USA, NATO and its allies unleashed—with the ratification of the […]
Reject EU austerity law and the anti-democratic European Union
Joint statement of the Communist Party of Ireland and Communist Party of Britain The Communist Party of Ireland and the Communist Party of Britain condemn the decision of the December 17 EU summit to seek to amend the European Union Constitutional Treaty without holding national referendums. This represents a blatant […]
The budget delivered as ordered
7 December 2010 The much-hyped budget has finally been delivered, much of it leaked over the last number of weeks in a sordid orgy by “informed sources” and the serried ranks of commentators and tame academics, vying with each other to present their interpretation of what each and every leak […]
IMF, ECB and EU are sacrificing Irish people to save the euro
29 November 2010 The imposed “solution” to the Irish state’s growing and deepening crisis is to make every person an indentured servant to the needs and interests of EU finance houses, in particular to German banks. The National Pension Fund is now to be squandered to bail out banks that […]