21 August 2009 The Communist Party of Ireland today called on Pat Cox to come clean on his relationship with powerful corporate interests on whose behalf he lobbies at the EU level. It is farcical that he continues to present himself as an outsider and above the fray, as some […]
A failed strategy by a bankrupt Government and a failed system
7 August 2009 The growing ranks of the unemployed are clear testimony to the failure of this Government and its economic strategy. Their only hope is that they can once again get the emigration boats and planes going to disperse the growing surplus population to the four corners of the […]
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland on the Thomas Cook dispute
4 August 2009 The Communist Party of Ireland condemns the arrest and detention of about twenty former employees of Thomas Cook Ltd, along with a number of officials of their union, the Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association, in a dawn raid raid on the premises that the workers had been occupying […]
Statement of the Communist Party of Ireland on the coup in Honduras
30 June 2009 The coup d’état in Honduras shows that the old habits of the privileged oligarchies of Latin America have not gone away. Even the moderate proposals of President Zelaya for a consultation of the people towards a consideration of constitutional change were not acceptable to them, so fearful […]
On recent racist attacks in Belfast
17 June 2009 The Communist Party of Ireland totally condemns the racist attacks that have resulted in a hundred Romanian people being made homeless. Speaking in Belfast, Lynda Walker, national chairperson of the CPI, said: “We welcome the help and support that community organisations and the Belfast Trades Council have […]
An exposure of class prejudice
21 May 2009 The publication of the long-awaited report of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse, concerning the abuse suffered by children and young people at the hands of religious orders detained in residential institutions, has exposed as never before the deep class hatred for working people and the […]
Joint statement of the Communist Party of Ireland and the Communist Party of Britain
18 April 2009 The Communist Party of Ireland and the Communist Party of Britain held a bilateral meeting in Belfast on 18 April 2009. At the top of the agenda for both parties were closer co-operation in relation to strengthening the peace process and our response to the growing and […]
Dracula budget sucks blood from workers
7 April 2009 The budget presented by the Minister for Finance, Brian Lenihan, is a Dracula budget, designed to suck the blood from workers so as to give a transfusion to bankers, stockbrokers, tax-avoiders, and property speculators. These parasites will all sleep well and will be celebrating the fact that […]
CPI condemns decision of ICTU to reopen talks with the Government
25 March 2009 The decision by the ICTU to go back into talks with the Government has the potential to place the trade union movement in a position where it will become tied to Government policies, in particular to the consequences of the forthcoming budget and all future budgets. It is […]
Labour out of touch with the anger of working people
22 March 2009 The call by the Labour Party leader Éamonn Gilmore on RTE radio on Sunday morning for the Taoiseach, Brian Cowen, to intervene with the trade union movement to get it to call off the one-day strike on 30 March is yet another example of how out of […]