The outcome of the general election in the 26 counties will do nothing to solve the multiple crises of homelessness, health provision, rising prices and precarious employment facing many urban and rural working-class communities. Nor will it deal with the continuing erosion of democracy which sees the Irish government unable […]
Author: Ciara Melinn
Statement on General Election 2024
The forthcoming General Election takes place in the context of multiple crises, such as rising prices, rising rents, and homelessness. The health system is operating beyond all capacity, with excessive waiting times for GP appointments, in A&E departments, over-crowded hospitals, and people waiting years to be referred to a specialist. […]
Solidarity with Revolutionary Socialist Cuba
The Communist Party of Ireland stands with the Communist Party, the government and the people of Cuba as they continue to endure the devastating consequences of the ongoing illegal US blockade. Due to the current difficulty in sourcing energy, the Cuban government has been forced to temporarily shut down much […]
Year of resistance and steadfastness by the Palestinian people
For 76 years now, the zionist apartheid regime has carried out a systematic and relentless war against the Palestinian people. For these three quarters of a century, the US and other imperialist powers like Britain and the EU have used the zionist state as a proxy force in West Asia […]
Recent Election in the Six Counties
The context within which any electoral or social struggles takes place is critical to an understanding of how the working class understands how or where change can be secured. The ongoing struggle between Irish democratic forces and forces wedded to imperialism is the basic context in which the elections must […]
Results of Local & EU Elections of June 7th
The 7th of June Local and EU elections showed the continuing strength and stability of bourgeois ideology in Irish society. Despite facing several related crises such as housing & homelessness, a deteriorating health service, increasing levels of poverty, right-wing attacks on migrants, as well as opposition to the government’s policy […]
EU & Local Government Elections on June 7th
The EU and Local Government elections take place against the ongoing crisis of capitalism and the increasing preparations by NATO to unleash a direct war against Russia and the People’s Republic of China. As part of these war preparations, the Irish establishment – both political and media – are attempting […]
Recognition of Palestine State is victory of Irish People
The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the decision of the Irish government to recognise the State of Palestine. This decision by the Irish state to recognise the State of Palestine is the result of decades of demand and struggle, a struggle that has intensified since the invasion of Gaza in […]
50th Anniversary of the Dublin-Monaghan Bombings
Páirtí Cumannach na hÉireann / the Communist Party of Ireland once again expresses its solidarity with the families of the victims of the Dublin-Monaghan bombings on this the 50th anniversary; bombings that murdered 33 and injured 300 of our fellow citizens, leaving many families and individuals scarred for life both […]
Victory for the Trinity College Students
Students of Trinity College ended their encampment on the college grounds today, the mass, radical, direct action in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle. This encampment, which started last Friday, had clear demands for the College to take institutional responsibility, divest from Israeli companies, end academic ties with Israeli institutions, and […]