25 July 2015 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland at its meeting in July discussed the political and economic situation in the context of events now unfolding within the European Union resulting from the imposition of the new memorandum on the Greek working class. The meeting […]
Statement on the attempts to crush the Greek working class
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 14 July 2015 The European Union has exposed its essential class nature in its attitude to the Greek people. After months of arm-twisting, bullying and blackmail it has imposed even more draconian austerity on the working people of Greece. The stance taken by the Irish […]
Statement on events in Greece
27 June 2015 Once again the true nature of the European Union is exposed. Behind the face of a “Europe of solidarity” there is nothing more than bullying, arm-twisting, and blackmail. The much-vaunted sharing of values is nothing but a cloak to disguise the power of the European and American […]
Bullying of the Greek people exposes the real nature of the European Union
Political statement, 21 June 2015 At its recent meeting the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland expressed its solidarity with the Greek people, in particular the Greek working class, at this time of renewed pressure and bullying by the troika of the European Union, EU Central Bank, […]
The conviction of Clare Daly TD and Mick Wallace TD
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 22 April 2015 The conviction of the independent TDs Clare Daly and Mick Wallace on two charges of breaching airport by-laws at Shannon Airport and the fine of €2,000 imposed on them is farcical beyond belief. What Clare Daly and Mick Wallace did in […]
The establishment shows its contempt for the people
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 21 February 2015 The crowing from the establishment and its tame media about forcing a climb-down by SYRIZA over the Greek debt and the continuing austerity programme barely disguises the complete contempt that they have for the people. It matters little whether one thought that […]
All must stand united
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 19 February 2015 The decision of the High Court to imprison Bernie Hughes, Michael Batty and Derek Byrne for 28 days and Damien O’Neill and Paul Moore for 56 days is a blatant attempt by the state to bully communities that are resisting the […]
All must stand united
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 19 February 2015 The decision of the High Court to imprison Bernie Hughes, Michael Batty and Derek Byrne for 28 days and Damien O’Neill and Paul Moore for 56 days is a blatant attempt by the state to bully communities that are resisting the […]
Welcome for trade union conference
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 15 February 2015 The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes the announcement by the five trade unions involved in the Right2Water campaign that they will be convening a special May Day conference on Friday 1 May and Saturday 2 May. The unions involved—the CPSU, CWU, Mandate, […]
Stormont House Agreement
Statement by the Northern Area Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland 23 December 2014 Having listened to the announcement by the Democratic Unionist Party and Sinn Féin regarding the “Stormont House Deal,” the Communist Party of Ireland places on record its opposition to what is in effect the acceptance of […]