1 January 2017 As we enter a new year, working people should look forward with hope and confidence. Around the country tens of thousands celebrated the Centenary of the 1916 Rising with pride. Despite decades of prolonged assault by the establishment and their pet academia, they have failed to undermine […]
Submission of the Communist Party of Ireland to the Citizens’ Assembly on the eighth amendment to the Constitution of Ireland
16 December 2016 The Communist Party of Ireland requests that the Citizens’ Assembly give consideration to our views in your discussions on the eighth amendment to Bunreacht na hÉireann, its legal and human consequences, and how we should deal with these. The Communist Party of Ireland participated in the original campaign […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 6 December 2016 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, meeting in early December, discussed current political developments and the nature of the struggle that working people face into as we approach a new year. The capitalist system is marked by an […]
Working people must continue to push forward on water ownership
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 8 November 2016 The Communist Party of Ireland welcomes today’s announcement by Fianna Fáil that they would support the holding of a referendum to put public ownership and control of water in the Constitution of Ireland. This follows from the support announced by […]
Statement on Debt
Communist Party of Ireland 3 October 2016 Reports in the media confirm that the Irish state has paid more than €40 billion (€40,000,000,000) in interest payments on the state’s bank bail-out in the last five years. These interest payments are almost the same as the bank bail-out itself. This confirms what […]
Apple taxes: rotten to the core
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 30 August 2016 The EU commissioner for competition has found that the Irish state gave preferential treatment to Apple over other companies, so that Apple must now pay €13 billion in back tax, plus interest from 2003 to 2014. This windfall tax should be put […]
Political statement
National Executive Committee, Communist Party of Ireland 28 August 2016 At a meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland in August the political situation was discussed and evaluated. The fall-out from the vote of the people within the British state to leave the European Union continues to […]
Remember with sadness, and with anger
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 1 July 2016 A hundred years ago, tens of thousands of Irishmen took part in the senseless slaughter known to history as the Battle of the Somme. Answering the call of John Redmond, leader of the Irish Party in the British Parliament, the majority […]
Another Europe is possible—another EU is not
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 24 June 2016 The Communist Party of Ireland expresses its solidarity with and welcomes the decision of the British electorate, with working people having played a decisive factor to vote to leave the European Union. The decision of the people is a victory over Project […]
Ruling by fooling
Statement by the Communist Party of Ireland 16 June 2016 In a clear demonstration of how bankrupt the Irish political establishment is, the Taoiseach, Enda Kenny, and a number of his Government ministers, as well as the leader of the increasingly irrelevant Labour Party, Brendan Howlin, and other Labour Party TDs, […]