

Who runs Ireland?

17 November 2011 The revelation that documents relating to the forthcoming budget were found today (17 November) in the German Bundestag, with German politicians poring over their contents, while neither Dáil Éireann nor, most importantly, the Irish people have seen or read what is in store for them, is almost […]


Political statement

12 November 2011 At an extended meeting of the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, communists from around the country gathered to discuss the deepening crisis of the system and its impact on the people, north and south.      The meeting reaffirmed the party’s view that the present crisis […]


Statement by the Communist Party of Greece in relation to the articles by the international media on the murderous attack on the demonstration of PAME

21 October 2011 The people’s and labour movement has the strength to face the provocateur mechanisms of the bourgeois system The murderous attack unleashed by anarcho-fascist groups against the enormous rally that was organised by the class-oriented trade unions, organised in the All-Workers Militant Front (PAME) in opposition to the […]


The great oil and gas rip-off

17 October 2011 The decision by Pat Rabbitte, Minister for Communications, Energy, and Natural Resources, to issue thirteen new exploration licences for oil and gas in Irish territorial waters is nothing more than the complete abandonment by this state of any control of these resources that belong to the Irish […]


Resolution of solidarity

8 October 2011 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland, meeting on 8 October, confirmed its solidarity with the people of Greece at this time and in particular with its working class. The Greek working class is in the front line of resistance to the policies of […]


National political statement

8 October 2011 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland met on 8 October to discuss and evaluate the political and economic conditions in the country.      The economic crisis of the system continues to inflect great damage and hardship on the people, north and south. Poverty and unemployment […]


Political Statement

30 August 2011 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland at its regular meeting discussed the present political and economic situation in the country, evaluating the effects of the deepening crisis of monopoly capitalism and its increasing impact on working people, north and south.      In the South the […]