

Solidarity volunteers are the real heroes

5 June 2010 The actions of the Israeli government over the past week have once again exposed its mailed fist of violence and repression, usually covered by peace rhetoric and military spin. The action of the Israeli armed forces in preventing the Rachel Corrie, with much-needed aid, getting to Gaza is nothing […]


Political statement

22 May 2010 At its regular meeting the National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland called upon public-sector workers to reject the proposed Croke Park deal as not being in their interests. If adopted, its provisions and impact would not be confined to the public sector but would […]


Let us commemorate sixty-five years of the Victory!

Joint statement by forty-three communist and workers’ parties On 9 May we commemorate the sixty-fifth anniversary of the victory over Nazi fascism—the most violent and brutal expression of the monopoly domination in a capitalist system in deep crisis—which led humankind to one of the worst catastrophes in its history, with […]


To the members of the so-called “Group for the Reconciliation of European Histories” in the EU Parliament

Open letter from the Press Bureau of the Communist Party of Greece 15 April 2010 To the thirteen MEPs of the so-called “Group for the Reconciliation of European Histories”  Sirs,     We condemn your action in proceeding with the formation of a “Group for the Reconciliation of European Histories”— • because we regard your […]


Political statement

22 March 2010 The National Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Ireland at its regular meeting welcomed the devolution of policing and justice powers to the Northern Ireland Executive. The CPI acknowledges that this is an important step forward while rejecting the lack of transparency and political exclusion in […]


International Women’s Day, 2010

8 March 2010 The Communist Party of Ireland sends greetings of solidarity this year in which we celebrate one hundred years of International Women’s Day.      The call to establish a day of international solidarity with and between women was made at the Second International Women’s Socialist Conference in Copenhagen in 1910, […]