

May Day message of solidarity

The Communist Party of Ireland sends warmest May Day greetings of solidarity to the working people of Ireland. For the Irish working class there is a clear crisis in housing and health. We emphasise the need to build resistance and struggle to demand and secure decent public housing and to […]


Message of solidarity to the Communist Party of Cuba

The Communist Party of Ireland has sent the following letter of solidarity to the Communist Party of Cuba on the occasion of their 8th Congress. Communist Party of Cuba Havana 8th Congress of CPC Dear comrades, On behalf of the Communist Party of Ireland I wish to offer warmest greetings […]


Mel Corry

1964–2021 Mel Corry, who died on 13 January, was a lifelong trade unionist, a member of the Peadar O’Donnell Socialist Republican Forum, and a former member of the National Executive Committee of the CPI. A native of Lurgan and former textile worker, from 2008 he was a tutor with Trademark […]


Solidarity with Cuban women

The National Women’s Com­mittee of the CPI, on behalf of the women members of the Com­mun­ist Party of Ireland and the Connolly Youth Move­ment, has written to the Commun­ist Party of Cuba and the Feder­ation of Cuban Women to express their solidarity with their sisters and comrades on the anni­versary […]


Dublin activists are out!

Since early August (weather and quaran­tine permit­ting) members of the Dublin Branch of the CPI have been operat­ing book­stalls in the city for the sale of party publi­cations and giving out infor­mation about the party.

John Meehan portrait

John Meehan

It is with great sadness that the CPI announces the death of John Meehan of Cloongowla, Ballinrobe, Co. Mayo, a life­long member of our party. We mourn the pass­ing of one of the last of that genera­tion of rural commun­ists who paid a heavy price for uphold­ing the red banner of commun­ism, the banner of labour.