

Dublin Communities Against Racism

Letter to: Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth,Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Mr. Roderic O’Gorman,Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth,Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth,Block 1,Miesian Plaza,50 – 58 Lower Baggot Street,D02 XW14 16/02/2022 Dear Mr. O’Gorman, Dublin Communities Against Racism […]


Bloody Sunday- Fifty One Years on

Members of the Belfast and Betty Sinclair branches took part in the annual Bloody Sunday march in Derry on Sunday 29th January. The annual march takes place to mark the murder by British Army of 13 civil rights demonstrators on the day and one other marcher died afterwards from his […]


Dublin Communities Against Racism

Activists within the Communist Party Of Ireland Dublin branch give to their support to the protest in Dublin yesterday with a well-attended demonstration outside Leinster House., Communities leaders across Dublin called for the Government to address issues regarding immigration and the concerns of local communities. The group said it is […]