Author: dorian
May Day Statement:
The Communist Party of Ireland sends revolutionary Mayday greetings to the Irish workingclass and to all progressive and anti-imperialist forces at home and abroad.In particular we express our solidarity with Cuba struggling under decades of illegalblockade, with Palestinians suffering mass violence and repression and the Sudanese peopleonce again experiencing US […]
Belfast May Day Rally
Communists took their place amongst the thousands of trade union activists and socialists on the annual Belfast May Day March. In what Gerry Murphy of the ICTU called “a rallying cry for better workers rights and the power from taking action together”. Guest speaker Mick Lynch of the RMT paid tribute […]
CPI delegation to Cuba
CPI delegation to Cuba attended a presentation on the current situation with the Cuban economy by Comrade Gladys Hernandez. Clearly the US Blockade is hurting the people but the Cuban Revolution and Cuban people will not surrender. Socialismo o Muerte. Comrades attended a very interesting seminar given by Local Comrade […]
Political Statement Communist Party of Ireland-STATEMENT ON NATO & IRISH NEUTRALITY
The Communist Party of Ireland strongly condemns the decision of the coalition government to appoint Ms Louise Richardson, Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire, to chair the government’s Consultative Forum on International Security Policy and to draft the final report on the future of the […]
Public Meeting on Good Friday Agreement
At a packed public meeting tonight which discussed the Good Friday Agreement. A question was poised. With all the back slapping that we have witnessed over the last two weeks in Dublin and Belfast with the so called great and good why was the main actor missing? P O’ Neill. […]
Trans demonstration in Belfast:
Comrades of the Communist Party of Ireland participated in a demonstration against Posie Parker, who was in Belfast on Sunday 16th April to spread her violent anti-trans message. Trans people do not stand apart from the working class and we oppose these cynical attempts at dividing the working class by […]
Statement On The New Armed Conflict in Sudan.
Dublin Protests against Biden the Warmonger
Local Dublin Activists from the Communist Party Of Ireland took part in a protest against the visit of US President and warmonger Joe Biden. Twenty years ago President Joe Biden was one of the main drivers of the war on Iraq. As chair of thepowerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee, He […]
Communist Party of Ireland Cork Branch Out and About
Local activist’s from the Communist Part Of Ireland’s Cork Branch Cork branch were out in Mahon, Cork City, recently, continuing to bring the CPI’s message on housing to local communities. The Party’s National Executive Member and International Affairs spokesperson Graham Harrington said” We demand an end to evictions, universal public […]