

Communist Party of Ireland Cork Branch Out and About

Local activist’s from the Communist Part Of Ireland’s Cork Branch Cork branch were out in Mahon, Cork City, recently, continuing to bring the CPI’s message on housing to local communities. The Party’s National Executive Member and International Affairs spokesperson Graham Harrington said” We demand an end to evictions, universal public […]


Dublin Communities Against Racism

STATEMENT ON NATIONAL PLAN AGAINST RACISM22/03/23 On March 21 the government launched its National Plan Against Racism as required by the EU Action Plan Against Racism (2020-2025). At its launch the Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar claimed that the government was, “committed to rooting out systemic racism” while the Minister of state […]



The Communist Party of Ireland attended, at the invitation of the Communist Party of China, a high-level dialogue between the CPC and Political Parties from across the world. General Secretary of the CPC and President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, attended the meeting and delivered a key-note […]


On the latest UN Human Rights Council report on Nicaragua

On the latest UN Human Rights Council report on Nicaragua Enviado por tortilla el Dom, 05/03/2023 – 18:42 Stephen Sefton, Tortilla con Sal, March 5th 2023 In general, practically all reports on Nicaragua by international human rights institutions and organizations fail to check information supporting false claims, omit facts inconvenient to their findings […]


Cork Branch CPI attended the anti-racist demonstration in Cork on Saturday- but”keeping alive the anti-fascist principles of our own Michael O’Riordan”

CPI General Secretary Jimmy Corcoran spoke to the crowd and highlighted that it was Capitalism, and the commodification of housing in particular, that was giving the far-right oxygen. The left needs to reclaim the national flag and national symbols from fascists. The need for working-class based anti-fascism is pressing, rather […]


China’s Position on the Political Settlement of the Ukraine Crisis 2023-02-24 09:00 1. Respecting the sovereignty of all countries. Universally recognized international law, including the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, must be strictly observed. The sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries must be effectively upheld. All countries, big or small, strong or weak, rich […]


Statement on 1st anniversary Ukraine war.

Statement on 1st anniversary Ukraine war. 24th February On the first anniversary of the outbreak of the proxy war between NATO and Russia, the chances of it escalating into a direct war between nuclear armed NATO and Russia increases as NATO continues to pour arms and tanks into Ukraine with […]


The  “Northern Ireland Protocol”

The  “Northern Ireland Protocol”  negotiations  are best characterised as part of the inter-imperialist struggle between the EU and Britain with regard to the latter’s future trading relationship and access to markets within that bloc. They are about securing Britain’s future relationship with the EU and are  not about the Irish […]