The Communist Party of Ireland expresses it’s solidarity and deepest sympathy to the family and friends of our comrade Noel Martin who passed away Thursday, 15th June. Noel had been a member of the CPI since the mid 1970’s. He served our party at many different levels from local branch […]
Author: dorian
Dublin Activists Start Public Housing Campaign
Dublin activists from the Communist Party Of Ireland took part in the first public outing to highlight the demand for Universal Public Housing. Comrades spoke to people on Dublin’s Thomas Street. In what was a worthwhile morning’s work.
The Communist Party of Ireland sent the following message of solidarity and congratulation to the Communist Party of Greece.
The Communist Party of Ireland, CPI, extends its congratulations to the KKE and to its members and cadres for increasing its vote in the General Election. The strengthening of the political influence of the KKE is proof that political advance can be made on a revolutionary platform and that there […]
International News. PSUV holds fake congress to assault the Venezuelan Communist Party
Caracas, May 21, 2023 (TP Newsroom) – This Sunday, May 21, a fake congress was held, organized by the leadership of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), to take by assault the historic Communist Party of Venezuela (PCV) and subordinate it to the interests of the government of Nicolás […]
Arbour Hill Commemoration- Speech By General Secretary of the Communist Party Of Ireland 14th May 2023
Comrades and Friends,We are gathered here today to commemorate James Connolly who, one hundred and seven years ago, was murdered by the forces of British Imperialism, urged on by the Irish capitalist media, in particular the Irish Independent, who clearly understood that not only was Connolly a threat to British […]
Solidarity for the victims of Nakba
On Saturday last Local Activists in the Dublin Branch of The Communist Party Of Ireland along with the Organisers from Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign took part in a march from Stephens Green, Dublin along Grafton Street to the Bank of Ireland and onto The Spire to highlight the 75th Anniversary […]
Cierán Perry Speech Arbour Hill-Dublin
It’s very appropriate that today we are commemorating James Connolly, an immigrant who contributed so much to our country and to revolutionary socialist theory. The topic of my contribution today is the upsurge in anti-immigrant sentiment spreading across the country and the events over the weekend make it even more […]
Solidarity with the victims of Nakba
“Belfast Communists took their place last Saturday alongside Palestinian solidarity organisations, trade unions and other political parties in the well attended Nakba march to Belfast City Hall organised by the Irish Palestinian Solidarity Campaign to mark 75 years of resistance to Israeli repression. In addition to calls to step up […]
James Connolly Festival-
At a packed Theatre last night for the start of the yearly James Connolly Festival and a very enjoyable discussion on Trade Unions Radical or Redundant.
The CPI took part in a protest organised at the GPO in Dublin today (6th May) against Royal Coronation and Britain continued control over the 6 counties and their interference in Ireland.
Speaking today party member Donal O’ Ceallaigh laid out the position of the Communist Party Of Ireland. Comrades and friends, People may ask, why are we, as citizens of a Republic, holding this protest to coincide with the coronation of Charles The Third as King of the United Kingdom and […]